The Haskell County Historical Society & Museum
Dudley C. Haskell
605 E. Watkins Ave. / P.O. Box 101
Sublette, KS 67877
Ph: 620-675-8344
Laura Reineke, Curator
Wednesday - Friday
1:00 - 5:00pm
Museum Board
Jim Groth, President
Cheri Miller, Vice President
Jill Hill, Secretary
Erica Alexander
Kit Griffin
Karen Messerly
Henry Miller
Terry Presley
Marcus Rogge
Ken Weidner
The Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
To preserve and interpret artifacts and documents of the county.
Let's Begin. . .
A meeting was held on October 28, 1982 at the Sublette Library, Sublette, Ks of the people interested in forming the Haskell County Historical Society. With Duane Murphy acting as President the historical Society was started. The Santa Fe Depot was purchased and donated for a Museum. A basement was dug at the North side of the fairground and the depot was relocated there. In 1988 a large addition was added to the depot. This is a very fine museum full of Haskell County artifiacts and we are about full again. Those present for that first meeting were; Ida Jo Fourot, Bayne Foster, Nora Mae Foster, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Leonard, Merle Wright, Ed and Eltrude Hall, Ruby Rutledge, Paul Weidner, Ema Lea Henley, Barb Glover - Monitor Chief, Clint and Delaine Stalker, Tom Ungles, Duane Murphy