The New Morris Well Northwest of Sublette
The city of Sublette gained two new councilmen in May, 2013 with the election of Tommy Stoppel and Dylan Shotton. These two men are replacing long-term Councilman, Gary Hessman, and Gerald Stoppel. The new Councilmen will join Leon Birney, James Barber, and Lawrence Hoerman to complete the five-member Council.
The Council and Mayor Jery Bailey will have their hands full with two major, badly needed, construction projects: (1) Construction of a new master sewer lift station and the repair and rebuilding of the three sewer lagoons. The General Contractor will be Sublette’s own Stoppel Dirt Contractors and the engineering firm will be ASM from Andale, Kansas; and (2) Completion of the new Morris well northwest of the city, including nearly a mile of water transmission lines, as well as a new well house for the well itself.
The financing for the construction projects will be through G.O. Bonds totaling around $2.5 million with an 18-year pay-back duration. Completion of these two projects is forecast to extend from 2013 through the early part of 2014.
In addition to these two major projects, the city is sealing several major city streets, repairing and replacing some major water lines, as well as continuing their normal routine tasks.
Hopefully, with hot weather and clear skies, the city will soon see some long-lasting productive accomplishments that will assure city growth and prosperity.
Jery Bailey, Mayor