The Cave Store. The Caves helped start the original Christian Church in Sante Fe and the Church in Sublette in 1913.
The pioneers had dreamed and hoped that some day a railroad would come through Haskell County. They knew the county could not progress unless they had a railroad. For many years there had been rumors that one would be built, and their dreams came true when an official announcement from the Santa Fe Railroad was made in October, 1911, but the route lay 7 miles south of Santa Fe, the present location of Sublette.
The first building erected in Sublette was built by Steve Cave in 1912. It was a two-story frame building that, though altered, is now the Sublette Lumber Company (formally T.M. Deal Lumber Company). Mr. Tutwiler of Garden City came to Sublette to build the store for Mr. Cave. Mr. Tutwiler’s wife, Clara, organized a small Sunday school that met in the upper floor of the store. In the summer of 1913 when many of the members of the Santa Fe Christian Church had moved to Sublette, a church was organized by an evangelist, A.B.C. Brow. The congregation continued to hold services in the top floor of the Cave store.
The congregation decided they must build a church and lots were secured from the Santa Fe Improvement Co. The present church stands today on the same.
The above history has been compiled and put into a book written by Bill Yount Jr. The book sells for $10 plus $4 for shipping. Please feel free to contact Bill at:
Howard Pennington's 25th Anniversary of ministry of Sublette Christian Church August 17, 1958.
Saturday Evening Events, June 15, 2013
5:30 pm - Meet at the slab at the fair grounds (with game for kids)
6:00 pm - Fish Fry (Please bring Dessert and lawn chairs)
7:00 pm - Old fashion singing and message from the word.
(Bruce Smith from Harper will be the speaker)
Sunday Morning Events, June 16, 2013
10:00 am - Worship Service (NO Sunday School)
10:45 am - Remembrance Service
Noon - BBQ Meal and fellowship with friends and family!